Aliguderz white and golden marble

Aliguderz white and golden marble

It has a white background with golden lines. The white and golden marble of Aliguderz is suitable for covering the floor and walls of houses and commercial units.

Aliguderz white and golden marble
Aliguderz white and golden marble

The mines of this stone are located in Lorestan province and around the city of Aliguderz, and it is also known as the stone mine of Aliguderz.

White marble

White marble stones are suitable for covering floors and walls of houses and commercial establishments and large restaurants. The streaked white marble stones can be used in the form of book match slabs and four match boards on the floor and wall of commercial places, which gives a special beauty to the environment. Book match slabs are slabs that have waves and streaks of two slab placed along each other and show the image of an open book like two page. Like four slab, so that two numbers are on the top and two numbers are on the bottom. And its veins and its appearance form a beautiful symmetry with a central axis, which is called a four match slab

Advantages of using white stones
  • Stones with a white background make the space look bigger than it is
  • White stones show the place of use bright due to the reflection of light.
  • The white stones used in certain architectures show the details better.
  • The resistance of these stones against sunlight and environmental conditions is usually higher
  • It repels heat and keeps the environment cool

crystal stones can be considered as marble stones, but they are usually called crystal stones because of their special appearance. Most of the crystal stones are white in color. Among these stones, we can mention He pointed out Niriz crystal Stone, Qorve crystal Stone, Sirjan crystal Stone, and Aligudars crystal Stone One of the most important features and strengths of Aliguderz white and golden marble It is possible to refer to the proper adhesion to construction mortars and as a result their proper resistance. White marble stones have a high polish ability and are mostly presented to the applicants with a polishing process. One of the places where white stone is used in buildings are kitchens, the popularity of using white stone in kitchens is very high. These stones are used as cabinet stone, kitchen counter stone, kitchen floor stone, and kitchen wall stone. Stone price Construction white is also very variable. In fact, this price depends on the size, length and width of the stone. For more information about the golden white marble of Aliguderz, contact us